Mason and Rachel spent a few weeks with their mom, who was in town and with their mom's side of the family. They spent a week at home with her in Arvada, and then went to Luray, Kansas and spent a week at Wilson Lake where their grandparents own a little vacation house, swimming and hanging out over the 4th of July. Mason played a some golf with his Grandpa Russ at Osborne City Golf Course too and got some pointers from him. Mason stayed an extra week to spend some quality time with his Grandma Janice and went antiquing.
When they got back, we spent a long weekend at Lake McConaughy (a blog and pictures will be dedicated specifically to Lake McConaughy) with my side of the family having a great time.
When we returned from there, Rachel was hired to housesit/dogsit for the family next door for a few days. We are really proud of her, she is a little gun-shy when it comes to doing something new and getting out of her own comfort zone, so we were glad she did it and didn't have any issues. Mason and I kept thinking that she was going to beg one of us to go stay with her for the week overnight, but she never did. She is growing up before our very eyes.
Brady has been all over the place. He spent a weekend with Grandma Kim fishing and hanging out with Ray and his boys. (Here are a few pictures from that weekend). I will say that this kid does not ever sit still. All I can say is he is busy! He is an avid trampoline jumper and our trampoline bit the big one (likely because Brady and his friends are pretty rough on it, jumping off the deck onto it and putting the sprinkler on it, etc.). I never realized how much that thing actually helps us until it was gone. Holy Cow, he was driving us crazy; he definately needs some sort of outlet to burn that energy. Well thank goodness Uncle Jim hooked us up with one and we are back in business, he is out there as we speak. Jump Brady, Jump!

As far and Brian and I; well Brian has been really busy at work, as usual and I have been busy at work too. My job is going to be changing a little bit and I am really excited. I will continue to work with kiddos, which I love; but I am also going to be doing some supervisory stuff too, which will be a nice challenge. It's something I haven't done before and I am really looking forward to learning and growing into it.
Alright, well I think you are up to speed, I will try to get back on track (no promises).
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