We spent the weekend with much relaxation and rest. It is so beautiful and peaceful there. Rich and Judy live in a beautiful house tucked into the countryside with scenery as far as you can see, antelope roaming all around you.
Brian and I had such a wonderful time, but I don't think it can compare to the time that Brady had. He was busy from the time he woke until the time he went to bed. He learned to shoot a 22 shotgun and practice target shooting of their deck. Papa Rich taught him how to drive a tractor and helped to do some chores around their property. Then Papa got out his Quad 4-wheeler and that was pretty much the last I saw of him.
On Sunday, we were getting ready to head home and Brady decided that he wasn't really ready to come home and asked Papa Rich and Grandma Judy to stay a little longer and luckily Grandma didn't have to work again until Wednesday, so he is there until then. Last I checked in with him, he was still quite busy going to see Ice Age 3 at the movies, going swimming at the aquatic center and who knows what else.
Thank you Papa Rich and Grandma Judy, we had a great weekend!
I LOVE FRIED PICKLES!! We must go get some at our first "book club" meeting. haha! Did you dress up in a ghost outfit, I think it would have been perfect!