Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Seriously... you want me to watch your children?

My very good friend Kelly and her husband Nate asked me if I would watch their 4-month old twin girls, Caroline and Sophia. Seriously??? You trust me with your small children? I was more than honored to watch these beautiful baby girls and couldnt' believe that they asked me. She actually thought I was doing them a favor, are you kidding -- a day with 1 beautiful baby is wonderful, but 2 sweet girls to play and drool over, that is beyond wonderful. They were doing me a favor -- I got out of a house full of teenagers to hang with children who don't talk back! Delightful!

Ok, I will completely admit that twins is hard work. I know people ask Kelly all of the time, how she does it, she says that she doesn't know anything different, so it's her everyday. WOW! I have even more respect for her and Nate than I did before. It wasn't like I couldnt' do it or it was ... I don't want to say hard because it is hardwork., but I now see how she lost all of her baby-weight so fast. You NEVER sit down - they keep you busy. There is always something to do. They did sleep for a little bit, but I am a newbie -so clearly watched them sleep on their very cool baby monitor (shut up, I know).

Feeding time came and I wasn't even going to try that one alone, I called in reinforcements. I had asked Rachel, but she was a little freaked out with such little people, so Brian and Brady came over and helped me. Supermommy can feed them both, but there was no way I was taking that chance; how would you choose who you would feed when they are both hungry if you can't feed them at the same time? There is no way I want to be part of giving either of them a complex - I love them equally! :)

Anyway, thank you Kelly and Nate for a wonderful day; thank you Brian and Brady for helping with feeding time (sounds like I'm talking about animals at the zoo, huh? I'm not, I swear). I had an outstanding day and it would be an honor to hang out with Sophia and Caroline any time you need.

1 comment:

  1. You are a wonderful babysitter and I am so grateful you agreed. In fact, you know better than I do with the girls! They had a great time with you and can't wait to hang out soon:)
