Monday, June 29, 2009

National Lampoon's Boat Day

Ok, some of you have already heard this story, but hearing it again is still funny...

We bought a boat a couple of years ago, just a little Bayliner to go to the lake and have "family time". The weekend after we bought it we decide to take it up to Horsetooth in Fort Collins for our first trip out, we buy life vests, a new tube to pull the kids around with, pack snacks, lunch, etc.. We leave at like 7:00 a.m. and get up to Fort Collins, so far so good. Well Brian opens his door and hears this sssssshhhhhhhhh sound. What the hell? Ok, so tire on the boat trailer is completely going flat, like as fast as it possibly can, we watch it sit on the ground comfortably right before our very eyes. So we pull out the "spare"(seriously spare what... spare piece of junk that we haul around for no reason). Sorry! Anyway, the spare, well it's of course flat too. So we try to take off the trailer tire to take into town to get fixed because it actually looks better than the spare and ummm, no lugnut wrench we have will even slightly come close to getting the lugnuts off. So we unhook the trailer from the truck and head into town and find good ole' Walmart. We buy a lugnut wrench, drive back up and get the tire off and go back into town to get the tire fixed. Yah, it's 11:00 and we are ready to put this baby in the water.

Well, we hook the trailer back up to the truck with the help of our children and head over to the boat ramp. We patiently wait our turn and start to back up to the water on the loading dock. Ummm, problem... the boat was heading there on it's own. Apparently, when we hooked the trailer back up to the truck, well I don't really know what happened but can only assume it wasn't hooked up correctly. The boat continued down the boat ramp, I can only describe it like the boat was popping a wheelie off the trailer heading down the ramp towards the water. The pressure caused the trailer to pop it's own wheelie causing a beautiful scrape and indentation into the back of Brian's truck. So I jump out, Brian jumps out and our kids are screaming because seriously... this isn't normal, no matter what you say.

These very helpful college guys (with nice physiques) are nearby and rush to our aid. They help us pull the boat back onto the trailer and help push the trailer back onto the hitch (yes more scraping occurs). We get it back on, I have no idea how we got it back on, but we did. I'm sure these nice college boys had much to talk (replace talk with laugh) about the rest of the day. You're welcome.

So we drive away, slightly freaking out and Brian pulls over. He is determined to put this thing into the water. The kids are begging not to, but I am his wife and I will support whatever decision he makes. So we get out and have a "parent pow-wow" and decide that we will try this again, make sure that we will NOT make the same mistake twice. Into the water it goes, round 2. We get it in and we enjoy a nice 2-3 hours on the water with a little picnic, and start prepping ourselves for the loading back up without freaking the kids out. We do it without issue and head back home. I remember that night, Brian saying how much he appreciated me not making him feel worse about what he already felt bad about. He may not feel that way now, since I am telling everyone our boat story.

We haven't had the boat out since!!! The kids have NEVER asked to take the boat out again. We talk about it, but never make the leap. Until now...

We are going to Lake McConaughy on July 17 for the weekend. We are really excited because we are going with my parents, my siblings, and step-siblings and all of their families. The kids will have a blast. We need a boat! We have a boat! I called and begged my dad to help us get the boat ready so we don't have National Lampoons (everyone is disappointed) Boat Day, Part 2. We took it out to their house yesterday and he started the process. I love my husband but he is not mechanically inclined so he has no idea how to do this stuff. Thank goodness, my dad does because by the time we left yesterday, the boat was running great and the parts that were damaged sliding down the cement boat ramp have been welded and fixed. We are now working on making it pretty again because it's been sitting for 3 years.

Wish us luck and I'm sure there will be Lake McConaughy Stories to come...

Here are some photos of Brian and Brady learning from Papa/Dad about mechanical stuff!

Monday, June 22, 2009

Ridin' Dirty

Papa and Grandma bought Brady this dirtbike last year and he loves to ride it every chance he gets. They keep it out at their house because they have a few acres for him to ride on and eventually Papa says he is going to build him a track out there once he gets really good. He is doing well, he is able to finally shift gears up and go even faster. Eeekkks!~ I kinda liked it when he kept it in first.. When Papa called one day last year and asked if Brady could have one, we said yes and he surprised him. We went out to Papa and Grandmas and Papa said we needed to go help him run some errands and we drove to the motorcycle store. He basically went in and told Brady he could pick one -Brady was so excited. Papa (well Grandma mostly) made him promise to wear all of his protective gear ALWAYS. He promised and for the last year has faithfully put all of his gear on and drives away. We were out there for Father's Day yesterday and of course, the second he had a chance, he put his gear on and we didn't see him for hours. Please enjoy the photos of my Dirt Devil!

The Many Faces of Baby Sam

This is my beautiful nephew, Sam and some of his many faces. He is at the best age right now, he is 10 months old and he rolls everywhere. He has two older sisters (the princesses) that do everything for him, so he really doesn't have to work at much. He lets them feed him Cheerios, bring him toys and really even talk for him. Seriously, to get where he wants to get right now he just rolls from his tummy to his back until he gets there. He is sooo cute.

Happy Father's Day

Happy Father's Day to my wonderful (most of the time) husband! I have to say that I am very fortunate in my life to have met someone who is as great as Brian. Not only am I lucky to be his wife, but my children are lucky to have him as a dad. Brian spends time with his kids doing things they enjoy; playing catch, watching ridiculous shows (i.e. wrestling and worlds dumbest) and just hanging out with them. I know I gripe about him sometimes because he is always the "good guy", but someone has to fill those shoes, so I am glad that I picked him to do that. Ok, so I do like being the "mean one" most of time, so it's good Brian can be the savior. He teaches our kids laughter and silliness, and he certainly teaches them about responsibility. He teaches them that family comes first and that we can always depend on him. For that and many other things, I am grateful to him forever!

Saturday, June 20, 2009

A Visit from Papa Rich and Grandma Judy

We are very blessed to have Papa Rich and Grandma Judy in our life. They are related by interesting sorts, but nonetheless related... with a very special bond with Brady. Papa Rich and Grandma Judy live in Casper, Wyoming now. They have lived there for several years, but come to visit us (or should I say the grandkids) often. Every soccer season they come watch Brady play at least a couple of times and spend time with him. Last time they came and took Brady to a hotel and went swimming. This weekend they came down to meet Baby Jett in person and came by to see us. We love to spend time with them and love the relationship that they have to offer Brady. We are going to spend 4th of July weekend with them in Wyoming. It will nice to get away for a few days.

Sunday, June 14, 2009

Proud Soccer Mom!

After I had Brady, I always told everyone that I was going to be a "Soccer Mom", a figure of speech I suppose. My dream came true and today I am a very proud soccer mom of a pretty good defenseman. We spent the weekend cheering on the Raptors. Brady has been playing with this team for about 4 years now and we have a great bunch of boys. One of the boys always says "we aren't the best team, but we are the nicest team". So after four tornado - thunderstorm warnings where we had to clear the field, we finally got to finish the tournament this afternoon. We ended in 4th place -not the best, but not the worst either. We are now on our soccer break for the summer, although Brady will be attending the Colorado Rapids Soccer Camp in a couple of weeks. Stay tuned for that experience...

Friday, June 12, 2009

Look out Tiger Woods...

Please enjoy some pictures of Mason and Brady at the driving range. I guess Mason is doing quite well, hitting 150 yards (I have no idea what that means, but yay). Brady, not so well - Rachel has started calling him "Ballerina". I guess you are not supposed to spin around in circles when getting ready to hit the ball - Hmmmm, who knew.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Girls Just Wanna Have Fun!

Having a driver's license has given Rachel some freedoms this Summer, one of them being driving herself down to meet friends and spend the day at Elitch's. Rachel went to Elitch's with her friends, Ashley, Breanna and Sarah (not pictured).

Sunday, June 7, 2009

Bippity Boppity Boutique

My sister and her family are in California visiting Disneyland with Sam's Family.

When I was in Florida at Disney World with my kids a few years ago, I saw all of these beautiful little princesses coming out of the store I was in. I went to check it out, and oh my goodness, there was a princess-making-beauty-shop called Bippity Boppity Boutique. I told Brian that we needed to call Julie right then and there and ask her to send her girls to me NOW. Needless to say, he didn't do that. Whatever, mean uncle. Anyhow, when we got home I told my sister about it and told her that whenever they went, I would treat her beautiful girls to a day of being a Princess. Well, the time has come... My two adorable nieces had appointments today at the Bippity Boppity Boutique, apparently sweet little Ally would have nothing to do with it, but Emma loved it. Please enjoy the pictures of my real life princesses.... Princess Emma and Ally (in more of a commoner look).

Friday, June 5, 2009

Just another beautiful Colorado evening!

Picture taken by Mason.

Thursday, June 4, 2009

Summer Break Begins...

So with Summer break comes "bored" kids. How can they possibly be "bored", they've been out of school for 2 weeks. Given the choice of "I can find you something to do if you are so bored", Brady and Mason have found a few things to occupy their time. The biggest difference between this summer and the past summers is that Big Sister Rachel has her driver's license so of course, the boys are extra nice to her so that she will take them places. This week they have been going to the driving range at the golf course and hitting buckets of balls. Today, they went to Grandma's swimming pool together.
I have been telling Mason how important older brothers are, and I think for the first time they are the perfect age for him to fully understand what that means. Mason is Brady's idol right now. Mason can do no wrong in Brady's mind. He begs Mason to play ball with him and Mason does (even if he doesn't want to). Mason is teaching Brady about golf and encouraging him and helping him. We have even had to yell at them to get to bed because the two of them stay up talking aka playing Xbox. Rachel and Brady have always been close, but the boys have had to work a little harder at it.
I am really proud of all of them right now. They seem to have all become "responsible" over night. Rachel is doing some tutoring for one of the kids next door, helping out around the house, and doing some babysitting for some of our family. Mason is helping Brady out and helping out with meals, he makes some awesome desserts. Brady was actually hired by the other neighbor to cat sit while they were on vacation and he did it everyday without being reminded. He is also still playing soccer getting ready for a week long camp and a weekend tournament. I love having them all here together every day, even on the "boring" days.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Seriously...pajama pants

I have to rant for a moment about people who wear those stupid pajama bottoms out in public as pants, because in the building I work in I just saw 3 people in them. Seriously?... I mean I get running to McDonalds, going through the drive thru for a cheeseburger or hanging out with the kids on a cloudy day where you are not doing anything. BUT to come serve jury duty in pajama bottoms or meet friends at a restaurant, not good. I am sorry to offend anyone reading this, but stop wearing your pajamas as pants. They are not cute (even if you have Spongebob on them) nor are they flattering. This is definately something that should be on "What Not to Wear", I am calling Stacy and Clinton for an intervention.

Monday, June 1, 2009

Our "Jett" Arrived

I would like to introduce the newest member of our family... Jett Robert Austin, he was born Saturday, May 23 at 4:08 p.m. weighing in at 9 lbs. 5 oz. I must say he is stinkin' adorable. There is nothing like a chubby baby. Thank you Brother and Staice, you make some darling babies. He is beautiful, and I like showing him off. XXOO

We went reading... I mean fishing yesterday

Ok, so I know a lot of people like to go fishing, I have never really understood the appeal to it. You have to touch really gross, slimy, and usually alive things and put them on a hook to catch another gross, slimy and alive thing. Ewwwww! But, because I love my family, I go on this endeavor, however I do not participate in anything slimy -- I read (well and I sunburn... FYI - SPF facial moisturizer does not equal sunscreen). Please enjoy some wonderful pictures of our family fishing. No Mason, he didn't want to get up that early. Rachel, as you will see is also catching... up on her reading. Also, we took Blake on his first "Fishing Trip". We were so proud of him, he did a really great job, he didn't run like the wind, so we count that as a good day. He did however, go out and get Brady's bobber when Brady would cast out, he thought they were playing fetch.