So obviously, I have been a slacker! Instead of getting all carried away with what I haven't posted, I am going to just do a quick recap, get current and move on.
What we haven't shared over the last few months ---
-Mason had his senior pictures taken (I will actually do a separate post on this because they are really great and I have to give a big plug to our photographer).
-Went to The Rio downtown (haven't been there for over 10 years) with friends and learned that for some reason there is no longer a 3 margarita max - I had 4.5 and then remembered why I hadn't been there for 10 years (that's how long it takes to be ready for a Rio marg again).
-Brady turned 13 (I cried most of the day). Had 5 teenage boys spend the night and eat and drink me out of house and home. Also learned that teenage boys are indeed just as hilarious as teenage girls, they can sing the sh*t out of I'm sexy and I know it and I now know every word to that song.
-Did an 8-week challenge at the Rec Center with some friends and lost 15 lbs. and actually learned how to work some weight equipment. Had a ton of fun.
-Celebrated Thanksgiving at our house with only a little family drama
-Rachel came home for Thanksgiving and Christmas (she is still here!)
-Spent the holidays hanging with friends and family (I had to learn and deal with Christmas as the mom of a bunch of teenagers and not little kids. I actually mourned having little kids this year and had a hard time learning my "new" type of Christmas, which is actually quite different than what I was used to.
-Brady is still in a cast, it's an acrylic one that will be on for at least a couple more months, but he is doing well.
-Brady was released to start playing indoor soccer and has his first game last night.
-Became obsessed with Pinterest.
Ok, I realize this is really lame, but if I get all caught up in wanting to post pics and do seperate posts on everything than I will never get this blog caught up.
So..... here's to 2012!
You forgot to add that you're going to do Project Life with Kelly and I! :)