Thursday, September 15, 2011

Our Daughter's New Home

I know I have been bad about blogging this summer but it's just been crazy.

The end of August we made the 6-hour drive to Hays, Kansas to leave our 1st born child. It was a great day and I was incredibly proud of her and yes, I cried. I did good though and didn't cry until we actually drove away.

We drove up the night before so we could be at her new "home" early in the morning for the big move in. The school, which I have been so impressed with thus far, was incredibly organized as usual. We had a sorority actually offer to help us carry her stuff in and we had our car unloaded in a matter of minutes and her room almost fully done in about an hour.

Unfortunately, we didn't get a chance to meet her roommate Valerie because she was in orientation all day, so hopefully we will do that on our next visit.

She is doing great, we have been Skyping with her weekly, I think she misses her dog the most, but Tater doesn't like Skyping with her; she won't look at the screen, which is hilarious. We are so proud of her, she seems to have grown up overnight. She takes care of things all on her own (I know, she is supposed to but we weren't really sure it would really happen to be honest). She is getting pretty good grades, but hasn't had any luck getting a job yet. She and her roommate get along great and I don't think there have been any drunken episodes... yet. However, the ever popular "middle of the night - fire alarm" has been very popular in her dorm and she is very much over that!

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