Sunday, April 17, 2011

The First of Many...

We have made the first of many road trips to Fort Hays State University, the place that our daughter will call home as of August 18!

It was parent/student weekend this past weekend, so Brian, Rachel and I geared up for the 5 hour drive + time change to Hays, Kansas on Friday evening. We had a great weekend and we are so incredibly proud of Rachel. FHSU did such a great job with this weekend, we did a little parent/student time, then they separated us. Parents went to little seminars on what the hell we are doing, and students were able to go do their thing. Rachel signed up for classes, got her Tiger Card (student ID), and met some other incoming freshman that are also majoring in History.

She seemed to be really excited and enjoy her time there. Brian had never been there so he got to tour the campus to see where his baby girl is going to be living. I think I may have seen a glimpse of a tear in his eyes. As we were sitting there learning about everything, I looked at him and said "can you believe we are here?" and he said, "no, I can't, she can't be old enough for college". I feel the same way, I didn't give birth to her, but I have been with her since she was 7 and I can't believe we are getting ready for high school graduation, let alone college!

I keep telling her just to have fun and soak everything up. She looks at me like I'm an idiot and says "uh, ok" like whatever crazy woman. I wish I could give her a little life experience pill so she can see how much her college life will play into who she becomes and continues to grow into. I want her try new things and experience life (all within legal confines of course). I don't want her to ever look back and regret choices (I mean the bad regret, not the oh, I shouldn't have drank so much last night regret, although a good healthy dose of that will be needed too). I just want... well you get what I want, I want what all parents want for their kids.

Well, we got back into town early enough for me to work on graduation announcements. They are almost complete and ready to go into the mail, (not bad if I say so myself, I'm even a week ahead of schedule). I am missing a couple of addresses from Rachel and her mom and then, they will be ready to go. It's a little stressful though, I hope I don't forget anyone. It's hard when you are a blended family, making sure you get everyone that is important to Rachel.

So, senior year/freshman year are in full swing around the Strong Household. Next on the list after announcements are mailed, getting her an outfit to go under a white grad gown (boo!), getting our house in order for a party (backyard needs a serious make-over, and inside needs a face-lift), scrapbooking weekend coming up so I can get her scrapbook finished (lets be honest, it needs more than finished, it needs done!), and get ready for the grandparents to come in town, figure out menu for party.... yikes, I have a lot to do.....

If you can think of any suggestions, hints, fun ideas for grad, please post something, I always love new, fun stuff to work into our parties.

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