Sunday, December 19, 2010

A good way to start the Christmas festivities!

Brady and I got to spend the afternoon with my nieces and nephew yesterday while my sister and Sam were out. I love spending time with them. They are hysterical; Emma is ridiculously smart so everything she does is with thought and has a method to it; Ally is the biggest entertainer I know, she is naturally funny and talented, she can perform on the spot with dancing, singing, cheering, etc.; and Sam is a typical boy; he loves playing and checking everything out; he is the happiest kid I know; he smiles and laughs with that big belly laugh like no one I have ever met. I love, love, love these kids and I am so grateful when I get to spend quality time with them.

This is a note that Emma wrote in the morning in preparation for our arrival (see methodical...)

I try to bring some sort of craft, game, or even baking ideas for them when I come over. It can be a bit tricky with a very smart 7-year old, a very entertaining 4 year old, and a very busy 2 year old boy. Trying to find something that will entertain all three of them can be a bit of a challenge, but I scored yesterday! We built a gingerbread house and a gingerbread train (Sam is in love with trains right now and may or may not have a Thomas set under my tree).

Our finished products...

I'm pretty sure they didn't stay like this for long though because I saw some hands reaching in and grabbing some candy off before the mess was even cleaned up. :)

What a great day!

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