Monday, November 30, 2009

We are thankful for....the Broncos?

Every year when we get our Broncos tickets, we let each of the kids pick the games that they want to go to before we invite anyone else. B chose the Thanksgiving game this year and got a little surprise from his Uncle Sam - he got to go on the field before the game. We didn't tell him so he would be surprised when they got there. Brian just gave him his pass and they headed down to the field. I sent Brian the camera and made him promise to take pictures, well he didn't need to because B must have taken about 150 pictures. When they got home, I had to look at them all.

This is probably the first year that B has actually wanted to go to the Bronco game. Rachel and Mason have been going since they were little and always beg to go, they never pass up and opportunity, but B will usually pick a game and end up giving it to his brother or his sister. He is really into this year though, he has been waiting for his game to come and even been excited. So the field pass was a nice surprise. Thank you Uncle Sam.

B with Brian and my cousin Brian who works on the field. He played catch with B on the field. Pretty cool, huh?
Ummm, yeah this is a picture of Josh McDaniels that they had to take for me! :) Well, actually I think Brian may have a man crush on him too, so maybe it wasn't for me???

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