So with Summer break comes "bored" kids. How can they possibly be "bored", they've been out of school for 2 weeks. Given the choice of "I can find you something to do if you are so bored", Brady and Mason have found a few things to occupy their time. The biggest difference between this summer and the past summers is that Big Sister Rachel has her driver's license so of course, the boys are extra nice to her so that she will take them places. This week they have been going to the driving range at the golf course and hitting buckets of balls. Today, they went to Grandma's swimming pool together.

I have been telling Mason how important older brothers are, and I think for the first time they are the perfect age for him to fully understand what that means. Mason is Brady's idol right now. Mason can do no wrong in Brady's mind. He begs Mason to play ball with him and Mason does (even if he doesn't want to). Mason is teaching Brady about golf and encouraging him and helping him. We have even had to yell at them to get to bed because the two of them stay up talking aka playing Xbox. Rachel and Brady have always been close, but the boys have had to work a little harder at it.
I am really proud of all of them right now. They seem to have all become "responsible" over night. Rachel is doing some tutoring for one of the kids next door, helping out around the house, and doing some babysitting for some of our family. Mason is helping Brady out and helping out with meals, he makes some awesome desserts. Brady was actually hired by the other neighbor to cat sit while they were on vacation and he did it everyday without being reminded. He is also still playing soccer getting ready for a week long camp and a weekend tournament. I love having them all here together every day, even on the "boring" days.
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