Sunday, December 6, 2009
What a difference a year can make!
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Proud Parents!
Well, Brady was pulled out of class yesterday by the Coach and asked if he would want to play with the 6th graders and be on the travelling team. He is soo excited! The best part is that his very good friend, Corey was asked too. They are the only two 5th graders that were asked, so it is a big deal. We are so proud of him. They got their uniforms, he is #40, and he played his first game tonight.
Unfortunately, they lost their first game, 26 - 32, but they did a great job and Brady got to play for awhile. He did a good job and had a couple shots on net, but no big points for him... yet! I know he will be great, he is very passionate about it and is working very hard.
Brian is really excited too, I've never known him to like basketball very much, but I tell you what, he is loving this new sport. We had a great time at the game tonight, and are looking forward to many more with some wins hopefully. I may need to visit Dr. Chad more often, those benches are painful. Maybe Santa will bring us some of those dorky, parent, folding bench chairs we can carry with us to all of the games. I'm also going to get a new "Basketball Mom" shirt to replace my "Soccer Mom" shirt for a few months.
Anyway, Brady's basketball schedule is posted on the top, right corner of the blog. I will keep you all updated with his new found sport. That's it for now...
Monday, November 30, 2009
The finale to "Birthday Week" for Brady
We are thankful for....the Broncos?
Monday, November 23, 2009
Happy Birthday Brady!

Sunday, November 22, 2009 all that it is cracked up to be!
It started early last Wednesday; he woke up with a high fever, body aches, sore throat, and a severe headache. We called the doctor's office as soon as they opened and he was tested - yes indeed, a casualty of H1N1 he is.
We have had an interesting week to say the least, we have good optimistic moments just to be knocked back down with a reminder that this is not your normal 24-hour flu. We have had him quarantined in our bedroom to keep him away from Rachel and Mason as much as we could. We have had many sleepless nights and plenty of worry.
He has been able to fight the fever taking motrin faithfully, however the headache and body aches are a lot to bear for a kiddo fighting this nasty stuff. Now... he has a giant fever blister on his lip from the high fevers that has now split so it looks like someone has punched him in the face.
Trying to force fluids down him has been one of the biggest struggles, he doesn't feel like eating or drinking. I'm not as concerned about the eating as I am the drinking. I am practically bribing him to drink. He keeps saying "Mom, I don't think this is the flu anymore, I think I have something else now". No, babe it is still the flu, just the worst flu you have ever had.
So, keep us in your thoughts, we are still fighting this thing. He missed school 3 days last week, and unless he wakes up and is miraculously cured, I don't see him going to school tomorrow or Tuesday. I see a looonnnggg Thanksgiving break in his future.
There are many yucky things with this stuff, but the worse thing right now is that tomorrow is his Birthday. I am so sad that he will be sick for his 11th Birthday. He will be hanging out at home instead of taking treats to school to celebrate with his friends. Thankfully, his actual Birthday party isn't scheduled until next weekend so... wishful thinking for a recovery by then.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Happy Halloween!
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Let it Snow, Let it Snow, Let it Snow...
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Happy Birthday Rachel!
She woke up this morning, and Brian took her to her favorite Donut Shop and to Starbucks, for her other addiction.
This afternoon we will have one of her favorite lunches, spiral ham and au gratin potatoes (definately not my favorite) and I made her a cake, a pretty cute one if I do say so myself.
Tonight she is going with a couple of friends to go haunted housing! She is a freak for that stuff. They are going to the Haunted Field of Screams in Thornton and The Haunted Forest in Parker. After the haunted houses, they are going to see Paranormal Activies at the movie theatre. I can't imagine that she will be able to drive home after all of that scary stuff, I wouldn't be able to, I know that.
Happy Birthday Rachel, we love you and are really proud of you. Have a great night, be safe.
Friday, October 16, 2009
I bet you are wondering...
(the redness will go down soon)
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Happy Birthday Grandpa Chuck

So Happy Birthday Grandpa, it was nice to celebrate your Birthday with you.
Monday, October 5, 2009
Grandpa Chuck and Grandma Kathy


Sick Day
I sure wish I had some of my mom's homemade potato cheese soup. Hint - Hint!
Monday, September 21, 2009
To be or Not to be... TATTOOed
My blog today is about my beautiful and spirited daughter Rachel. She is at that age --- that wonderful - insightful - all knowing - I think I am adult age... almost 17. The world is at her feet, the sky is the limit, the world is her oyster, (that's all I can think of right now, so much for being philosophical). Anyhow, she has been driving us crazy over the last few months, but specifically the last week. She wants a tattoo, I mean REALLY wants a tattoo. I give her a lot of credit for all of the thought that she has put into this. She has really thought about what she wants and where she wants it, and I have to say, she has meaning for what she wants (something I never did).
So the dilemma, the good old I want my kids to learn from my mistakes, but know that they need to make their own choices and mistakes dilemma, you know the one? I remember being her age and wanting things and thinking that I would die without them, wanting something so bad that you can feel it - I don't want her to have that feeling. I want her to be able to be the beautiful and strong young woman that I would like to say that I had a hand in raising, but I don't want her to do things that she will (or could) regret. She of course argues that she won't regret it, I don't know the answer to that - I wish I had a crystal ball, but I don't.
Not only does she really want this certain tattoo, but she wants it on the inside of her wrist, somewhere where you could definitely see it - forever. I keep trying to talk to her about life and that she doesn't know what she will do with her life. What if she is President (she says she won't be and even if she is, President's can have tattoos), I asked her about marrying some important military man and going to big fancy black tie events with these tattoos on her hand, and she said "well if he doesn't like it, he shouldn't have married me". Touche' Rachel. See all of this stuff we raised her to believe has come back to bite me in the &%#.
You can probably tell what my feelings are about this, I don't want her to get it at this point in her life, but she is getting to the age where I am not going to have a say about what she does to her body. She is a really good kid, she gets very good grades, she has a gigantic heart, and she is an absolute joy to everyone around her. I love and adore her and I want to support her and her choices. When I told her that she had a year before she could just get it on her own and she wouldn't need our blessing, she says, I could go do it without your permission now, my friends go get them without their parents. See -again, good kid, tells truth, doesn't get her way because she is upfront and honest.
I will try to post what she wants to get, the computer is not letting me download it right now. It is a cluster of stars that signify each of her brothers and cousins. The boys are black stars, the girls are pink stars, and one star is red for her cousin with a heart defect. See, good choices again - no skull and cross bones, no I love random boyfriend, something that will stay with her forever - her family.
So please give us your comments, I am hoping that if she gets enough reasoning from others that she will want to wait OR maybe she will have a fan club that can persuade us. We'll see...
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Oh Brady!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Take Me Out To The Ballgame...
Monday, September 7, 2009
Happy Birthday Brian!
We celebrated Brian's 41st Birthday on Saturday, we had some friends and family over to celebrate with his favorite - BBQ. His parents, the kids, and I went in on a new golf bag and towel, tee's and golf balls; and a new Broncos shirt. He had a golf bag from like 1902, the thing weighs like 500 lbs. so I'm pretty sure that the bag alone is going to improve his golf game. :)
Mason made Brian's Birthday cake this year, I think he did a really great job. It was Brian's favorite kind, strawberry cake with cream cheese icing.
So Happy Birthday Honey, here is to another wonderful year of getting older. I love you and can't wait to continue to grow old with you. However, you will ALWAYS be older than I am.
Monday, August 31, 2009
Welcome Back to Colorado J. Cuts
I spent a wonderful evening with my husband at the Broncos and Bears game last weekend. I don't usually go to the games because 1. the kids usually beg to go and I give in and 2. I don't really like it so he has more fun going with friends and other family members.
Monday, August 24, 2009
Rachel and Mason Off to School
The morning went well, for 5 people to be getting ready and heading out around the same time. Rachel has been going to bed a little sooner, and getting up earlier in the morning to prepare for today; although Mason hasn't been to bed before midnight and hasn't been up before 10:00 in the morning all summer long; I wasn't sure how he was going to do, but he did great.
We are really proud of them, we know it takes a lot to drive back and forth to Arvada, and to be there early in the morning and not start homework until 3:30 or 4:00. We are also really appreciative of them being able to pick Brady up and take him home so he doesn't have to sit at the office all afternoon, they can all start on homework before Brian and I even get home.
Sunday, August 23, 2009
I love lazy days!
Rachel and Mason start school tomorrow and a whole new routine will begin. Brady starts soccer practice tomorrow 3 times a week, so we will fall right back into our busy school routine once again. I can't believe that we have a 5th grader, a 10th grader, and an 11th grader, when did they grow up and how did it happen so fast?
I will post pictures of Rachel and Mason's first day of school tomorrow and Brady at practice again. Until then.... I am just going to enjoy the rest of my lazy day~
Thursday, August 20, 2009
Mason's afternoon with a Pro-Golfer
Monday, August 17, 2009
5th Grade - I can't believe it!
I started thinking on the way back to work, (no Starbucks, apparently I'm too grown for that now too) that I can't believe I walked my baby to school for the last time and didn't even realize it. No more hand holding or packing snacks, no more picking out his outfits - no more little guy! I have officially entered the world of a tween, where I am no longer his favorite person in the world, I am no longer the one he wants to see the most every single day, I am now just Moooommmmm!
How did it happen right before my very own eyes, he is still sweet and handsome and lets me help with homework, but when I ask how he day is, he just says "fine" and the prying begins.