Saturday, August 28, 2010

Brady's 1st Football Game

Today was B's first football game. He played safety, kick return, and kick off; he is still getting used to this new game but we are so proud of him for getting out there are trying his best.

A group huddle before the game!

Dad giving him a little pep talk between plays.

I am excited to be a "football mom" now and I am in need of a new "proud football mom" shirt to cheer on my team. I will post his schedule in the blog side bar as I have done with his soccer games. Everyone is welcome to come cheer on the team".

Saturday, August 21, 2010

My new ride~and a roadtrip!

A couple of months ago, Brian's parents made us a great deal on their car, THAT I HAVE ALWAYS LOVED that we couldn't resist. Everyone that knows me knows that I love convertibles, and now that 2 out of my 3 kids have their own cars, I can have one. Brian and I flew down to Florida and spent a day with his parents and started our 1950 mile drive home. That is a long drive, but well worth it. I love my new car, it is awesome and everything I could have wanted (with the exception of the horrible turning radius on it).

Here I am in my new (to me) 2004 Volvo C70 Convertible! I am pretty cute, right? Thanks Chuck and Kathy for my beautiful car, I am taking very good care of it, Bella (that is her name) has transitioned well to the mountain air vs. the ocean air she was used to.

Friday, August 20, 2010

Middle School... Are you sure?

Sniff, sniff! I took Brady to Middle School last week. It was so exciting and sad at the same time. I cannot believe that he is a 6th grader. He looked so grown up dropping him off and watching him walk into this giant school. He is also starting a whole new school this year, we have decided to let him go to MS instead of Zion. Zion only goes to 8th grade and all of his friends from soccer are going to MS and he begged to go there instead of Zion this year with his friends so that he could be with them for middle school and then into high school. He is loving it so far and I am so hopeful that it will stay that way.

Two more weeks and Rachel will be starting her Senior Year and Mason his Junior. I will be sniffling that day too. Senior? Are you sure? We are planning her Senior pictures now and we head out to Fort Hayes, Kansas for our first college field trip day in a couple of weeks.

This is going to be a hard mom year. Oldest finishing high school, the youngest starting middle school. No more babies in the Strong Household ~

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Isn't she lovely?

Rachel went out with her best friend Ashlee for her Birthday last night. They all dressed up and went out to dinner. It's not very often that I get to see her dressed up with her hair and make-up done. I had a lot of fun helping her get ready to go. I was very excited to do her hair up and put a little make-up on. She looked so beautiful.

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Our Newest Family Member!

Meet Tater Moreno-Strong! (Moreno is her maiden name)

I have lost my ever-loving mind! I don't know what the hell is happening in this household. Do you know that I don't really like dogs? Or so I thought. They shed, smell, bark, eat, poo, etc. and no matter how many times your kids promise to clean up after them or help out, they don't. I still pick up after them as much as I pick up after the kids. It's ridiculous, but I love them.

Riley is our old man, he is almost 10. I got him for Brian for Valentine's Day right after we were married. Crazy then, and I swore that he was the one and only dog we would have. When he died in 15-20 years we were done! Or so I thought...

Then about 2 years ago, Brady put us on this huge guilt-trip. He was the youngest and Rach and Mas weren't here all of the time, he was lonely. So, we got Blake. He was supposed to be Brady's surrogate brother and friend. And I swore that he would go to college with Brady and we wouldn't get any more pets. Or so I thought...

Then we were at a BBQ at my friend Kelly's house a couple of weeks ago, and we met Tater. She is a doll, such a lover and her parents were thinking about finding her a new home because their lives had become so chaotic with 2 1/2 kids under 2 at home and they felt like Tater wasn't getting the love and attention that she had always received. Well Brian and I fell in love with her and even teased that we were going to put her in our car that night. We didn't that day, but a few days later I met her mommy for a typical McDonalds-weekend-kid-exchange :) and Tater came home to surprise her new adoptive mommy, Rachel.

Rachel had been begging for a dog of her own to love and carry around in her purse, Tate (Tater tot, Tatinator, T-Tot, etc.) has been a perfect addition to our family. She is a typical girl around here, spoiled rotten. Luckily, she came from a wonderful home and is very well behaved, with the exception of the bark, which gets her in a little trouble sometimes.

The Strong Family Zoo is up and running! Please do not show me any other pets, don't invite me to your house if you are trying to get rid of a pet, or tell me about any pets at the humane society needing homes... I am not getting anymore pets. PERIOD!

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Wow ! Mason is 16!

I cannot believe that this the same kid I married 10 years ago; he is now taller than I am, has his driver's permit, and is shaving - it is completely and utterly crazy!

Happy 16th Birthday Mason, here is to a great year!