We redecorated Brady's room over the weekend, and thought we would share. Here are my interior decorating skills at work. We have had to take the "little boy" room and turn it into a "tween boy" room. Out with the toys and in with the i-pod player, snowboards, guitar hero, and flat screen tv. Somewhere in the last decade, I lost my sweet teddy-bear-holding, pacifier sucking, cuddling baby and got a sports-playing, sweat-smelling, i-pod listening, handsome pre-teen. Wow! How did that happen? I told Brady that this is probably the last time we will paint and change the theme of his room before he leaves for college, his reply, "that's fine with me mom, cuz this room is sick" (fyi: sick means cool, good, awesome, etc.). So, I guess that's good, I must be a "sick" mom.