I can't imagine living anywhere else in the world, well except maybe Hawaii, but that would probably get boring looking at beautiful blue ocean all day. I love that we have seasons here, we can go from summer to winter overnight. This week we had our first big snow of the season.
The kids have had 2 snow days. Rachel caught up on movies, Mason has played endless X-Box, although did scoop the walks for us (thank you Mason), and Brady, well has anyone seen Brady? It seems that he has spent the last two days building forts, having nerf fights in the front yard, and playing with half the block. I heard from him once in the last two days asking where all of his "old snow pants" were for the other kids on the block. He of course found his in his snowboarding gear, but needed to outfit the block for endless fun.
It was nice to put yummy soups in the crockpot for the last couple of days; we had beef stew and homeade chicken noodle soup. Mmmmm!
Rachel and Mason are back in school tomorrow, although their mom is coming for the weekend so we will be without them for a couple of days.
Brady had the day off already because it is teacher in-service day, so he will end up having a 5 day weekend. Lucky kid. Because I've put in some extra hours at work this week, I get the day off tomorrow too, which I am very much looking forward to.
Today is also my 'little' sister's Birthday. She didn't end up having a very fun day to do stuff, considering the weather. So tomorrow, Brady and I will go down and take her to lunch to celebrate since we couldn't get there tonight. So Happy Birthday Julie, looks like you will get a Birthday Festival Weekend, thanks to the weather.